ToDo List: 31 diy projects


Tutorial: How to recover a lampshade with fabric

Hi everyone! I am so so so in love with my re-covered lampshade.  Just thought I would share how I recovered mine.

First of all, it was unbelievably easy. I wish I would have done this to my desk lamp a year ago when I first bought it. Maybe then my desk wouldn't seem so daunting. (You see, I have come to associate it with oodles of negative things, such as mind-numbing migraines from getting stuck on writing that darn thesis proposal and also bloodshot watery eyes from straining to read boring journal articles into the wee hours of the night…oh boy, that's fun {rolling eyes}.) Perhaps I would have saved myself some wasted procrastination hours if I would have made my desk more inviting earlier on. I mean, how can a cute flowery little desk lamp be associated with anything other than happy, lovely, wonderfulness?

Anyway, maybe you too have a lampshade you would like to revamp. If you have scissors, Mod Podge, a foam brush, and lightweight fabric on hand, then you could get to work and have this project complete in no more than 20 minutes. (This is the perfect project for people like me who need instant gratification.)

By the way, the materials I used were all leftovers from other projects, so I guess I can say this project was free…?  Or maybe that is stretching it a bit.

Step 1 - Roll your lampshade along the piece of fabric tracing the outline of the shade as you go. I recommend tracing it onto paper first. 

I added about 3/4 of an inch (although that was too much) to both sides of the shade outline. This will give you some room for error as well as extra fabric to tuck under the edge of the shade, so that you have a nice finished edge when it's all said and done.  Cut out the shape next.

Step 2 - Apply mod podge to the lampshade with your foam brush.

Step 3 - Line up the fabric to the shade, and press down gently. Smooth out any wrinkles. 

Note: I worked in sections of about 3 inches wide at a time.

Step 4 - Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have your entire shade covered.

Step 5 - You will have excess fabric hanging off the bottom and top of the shade. Using your scissors, trim it down as close as possible while still leaving enough leftover so that you can tuck the fabric into the inside of the shade.

Step 6 - I ended up just dipping my fingers into the mod podge and pressing the excess fabric into the inside of the shade. Use as much as needed to get the edges to tuck under completely without any sticking up.

And you're done! Congrats on your fabulous new lampshade!

Here's a before and after of mine.



I'm linking to...

A Little Knick Knack

New Friend Fridays


  1. What would we do without Mod Podge?!? Super cute...and I LOVE the fabric!

    thanks for coming by my blog!!
    xoxo, cassie

  2. I know! Mod Podge is the best!

    And thanks for the compliment! :)

  3. Hi Lauren,

    Great tutorials. It's amazing what a little fabric, contact paper, and/or paint can do to dress up a project. I have to admit I did wonder about the "31" till I read your explanation and saw your list. I'm curious to see what you have in store for a few DIY projects on that list. Have a great weekend.

  4. Hello Lauren! My name is Candice @ I am from New Friend Friday's/The Trendy Treehouse and saw your blog button. Your site is so cute and full of fresh idea's! I love all of these idea's! ..I definitely have a lot of your tutorials to catch up on...

    I'm following you now. Hope you have a great weekend!


  5. Stopping by via the 'New Friend Friday' over at Trendy Treehouse.

    I'm convinced that Mod-Podge was created by the Gods. hehe...

    Love this tutorial! Thank you for sharing. I will definitely be following you :)

  6. I need to do make it sound and look so easy!


  7. It is wonderful! What a simple way to change the look. I never thought of mod-podge for some reason. Great tutorial, thank you!

    Thank you so much for linking up to my Friday link party! See you next week!

  8. wow, that does look easy! Now I just need a lampshade....

    new follower from nff!

  9. aww i love it! it is really cute, and i really like your choice of fabric! :) im your newest follower too by the way!!! :) hope to hear from you soon!

  10. Thanks everyone for your really nice comments! I appreciate it soo much!

  11. So pretty and cheerful! I love it!


  12. Great tutorial! Love the fabric you chose. It is darling :) Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you will stop by again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  13. I recently did a post on recovering a lampshade but I used hot glue instead of Mod Podge. I kinda wish I had thought to use Mod Podge prolly woulda been way easier and I wouldn't have burnt myself! hehe

    ~ ~

  14. I'm late to the party, but great idea. Trying it soon.

  15. I'm late to the party, but great idea. Trying it soon.

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