ToDo List: 31 diy projects


Dishwasher magnet!

So, here is a little project I worked on today.

It was super duper easy and took maybe 15 minutes, and that was because I was working slow. I found the idea for this dishwasher magnet at Joy is at Home. As soon as I saw hers, I knew I was going to make one. Hence, why I HAD to make this today rather than some other day when I might have had some downtime. Ha ha...I'm starting to realize how impulsive I can be.

So, it was really easy, as I said. You just need these materials : Mod Podge, scissors, 2 different types of scrapbook paper, letter stickers for the words "dirty" and "clean", ribbon, a magnet, and maybe a flower sticker for the middle like the one I added.

Some of the materials you will need

Scrapbook paper
Also, can I say this project was free? Technically, I did have all of the materials on hand, so that counts, right? Even if you have to go out an buy the materials, this project would still only cost around $2. Another reason to love it!

So, you will trace around the CD and cut out the scrapbook paper. Then, apply your Mod Podge to the paper and adhere it to the CD. Make a smaller circle for the middle (I traced mine with a mug), and adhere it to the CD as well.

Next, add some ribbon across the middle of the CD.

Then, add your letter stickers to form "clean" and "dirty" on opposite sides of the ribbon line.

Lastly, you will want to adhere the magnet to the back of the CD. (By the way, the magnet I used was one that had been on a magnet list pad that I was about to throw away. It was the perfect size.) I tried using Mod Podge for this step, but alas it failed. Joy is at Home also had some trouble using a glue gun. She ended up attaching the magnet with Gorilla Glue. I didn't have any of that laying around, but weirdly enough I did have some Welder contact adhesive in my craft drawer. This is the heavy duty stuff that has warning labels all over it. Haha! Oh well, all I can say is it worked!  :)

Have a great day!

(P.S. After I wrote this, I realized how dumb I must sound to spell out the steps for you. It's pretty self-explanatory.)

I'm linking to...

Make It for Monday @ Cottage Instincts

The Girl Creative


  1. Oh I really like this! I put the blog into my favorites and will mike one of my own soon. Thanks a lot for sharing!

  2. Cute! I did one of these last year and it's been so great to use in the house!

  3. This is so cute! It would make a great addition to a wedding present.

  4. Clever! I love it, and now I can make one, thnaks to your great Tutorial!

  5. I made one for myself today. You can find a picture of it on my weblog
    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  6. Very cute! Maybe this will stop the coffee spills over my clean dishes!

  7. Thanks for all of the lovely comments! I really appreciate it!! :)

  8. I am so glad you did step-by-step! What a great tutorial. So glad I found your blog!

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